Place editing tips

A few guidelines for Places editing:

  • Place information should be based upon local knowledge and entered according to reality.
  • The icon should be positioned at the entrance of the building or the entrance of an open location (e.g. Park-Recreation) where the Place is visible in reality. For some Place categories, more than one icon can mark a single Place, due to multiple entrances (e.g. Underground Train-Subway).
  • The display point should be positioned at the main entrance of the building or open area (e.g. Park-Recreation Area) and the routing point position should reflect the arrival location.
  • For some Place categories, more than one icon can mark a single Place, due to multiple entrances (e.g. Commuter Train).
Fig.: Duplicate Places because of multiple entrances (e.g. Commuter Train)


  • In general the connection between the display point, routing point and road segment will be perpendicular but there are cases where a deviation is possible.
Fig.: Perpendicular location of display point, routing point and road segment


Fig.: Deviation with obtuse angle of display point, routing point and road segment (e.g. dead-end road situation)


  • A display and routing point connection should not cross another Place’s display and routing point connection.
Fig.: Display and routing point connection crossings should be avoided


  • A display and routing point connection should not cross roads.
Fig.: Display and routing point connections crossing roads should be avoided