Road attributes – 7 Road access

Road access

Road access defines the vehicle types allowed on a road. This information is very important for routing purposes and should reflect the reality. For all road types (except “Residential”), you can only see a subset of access types because Map Creator shows only logical combinations (e.g. a Highway cannot be “Local vehicular traffic only” so that access type is not visible on a Highway). The “Parking lot road”, “Pedestrian zone”, “Pedestrian road” and “Trail” do not have this attribute. The full set of access types can be seen in “Residential”.  The following access types are visible in Map Creator:

7.1 Pedestrians are allowed

The checkbox for “Pedestrians are allowed” is checked by default. Highway road type does not have this category of access.

Fig.: “Pedestrians are not allowed”

7.2 Local vehicular traffic only

“Local vehicular traffic only” is unchecked by default. Check the box if through traffic is prohibited.

Fig.: “Local vehicular traffic only” (e.g. “Anlieger frei” = “Residents only”)

7.3 Motorcycles

“Motorcycles” are allowed by default. Uncheck if motorcycles are prohibited.

Fig.: “No Motorcycles”

7.4 Cars

“Cars”are allowed by default. Uncheck if cars are prohibited.

Fig.: “No Cars”

7.5 Taxis

“Taxis” are allowed by default. Uncheck if taxis are prohibited. (no image available).

7.6 Buses

“Buses” are allowed by default. Uncheck if buses are prohibited.

Fig.: “Buses” and “Trucks” are not allowed

7.7 Emergency vehicles

“Emergency vehicles” are allowed by default. Uncheck if emergency vehicles are prohibited (this situation is rare and likely only exists if the road type is a Trail).

7.8 Delivery vehicles

“Delivery vehicles” are allowed by default. Uncheck if delivery vehicles are prohibited.

7.9 Trucks

“Trucks” are allowed by default. Uncheck if trucks are prohibited.

Fig.: “Trucks” are not allowed

7.10 Carpool allowed

Check this box when high occupancy passenger vehicles that are used for private transportation are allowed on this road. 

Fig.: Carpool only on left lane


  • Avoid isolating roads with different access characteristics.
Fig.: Isolated roads because of access characteristics inconsistency